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Tuesday 19 December 2017

One heck of a storm

Tuesday morning and we are sitting at the Blue Heron French Cheese Company in Tillamook ( in one heck of a storm.  Our first on the adventure.  Gusting winds up to 40mph (60kmph) and pelting rain.  Furgy (the RV) is rock’in and a roll’in.  Glad we are parked and not on the road trying to drive through this.  A little mishap with the vent for the overhead stove fan.  It keeps banging and letting water in as the air pressure changes.  We will have to work something out to stop that when the gales stop.

Dec 19 Morning Window  

View outside our main window this morning.

I enjoyed Fort Stevens State Park although expensive with an extra $8.00 charge for booking on line.  The campground was tidy and good access to the beach about .75 miles away.  I am still a little surprised that the parks charge as much as they do.  $34.00 a night for us to stay……and you would think at least they would have warm showers with hot water.  But that was my only complaint. 

Cats TV Fort Stevens Park Campground  

The cats really enjoyed the stay and the main window was a kitty tv for the 2 days. 

While we were there we did our 5km a day walk.  Once along Coffenbury Lake and another to the Fort Stevens Ship wreck and sand dunes.  I was glad the campground was sheltered from the ocean elements as it was cold and windy at the beach.Tyler taking a photo at the Ship WreckLeaving the park, we headed back up to Astoria Oregon to see if we could find the house that the movie ‘The Goonies’ was filmed in.  We didn’t find the actual home but wandered and sight seen a few others.  Stopped at a glass blower shop and bought a few ounces of fused glass pieces to wire wrap at some point.  We also ran across the Astoria Museum located in this beautify old home.

Astoria Org Museum  

Astoria Museum

Then down the coast hwy 101 stopping here and there to do the touristy thing.  Met a mom and 2 sons from New York doing the same thing only in the other direction so did the neighbourly thing….we took their pictures for them and they took a few for us.  Nice family.

Tyler And Terry Lookout Before Bay City  

Tyler and Terry looking towards Bay City

Then we found this perfect little haven in the storm at the Blue Heron French Cheese Company.  Had a late lunch (they make awesome sandwiches) shared a Rogue Pumpkin Ale and headed back to Furgy.  I did purchase a few more titbits for Christmas like chocolate and sun-dried tomato and bacon cream cheese and crackers; but don’t tell Tyler. Lol

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