Last week was a busy one. Getting a few days of work into the shop before the weather turned cold again this week.
A blizzard hit on Monday and stopped production just like that.
With no heat or electricity in the building -20 is just a little to cold for us to work in this week.
However last week was productive in that we took the suspended ceiling down. Our big garbage bin came so all the garbage was cleaned up and out of the building.
A lot of garbage cleaned up. |
We also managed to pull out all the old wiring and have started on removing the inner walls.
The roofer has checked out the roof and the trusses and a new tin roof is set for the first of April so now we just have to gut the place and we will be ready to wire, insulate, drywall and build tables.
We were glad that the roof is safe to redo. Not much water damage is a bonus.
We also spent a bit of time figuring out what we would like the front of the shop to look like and have started a drafted version. It's a work in progress but a start.
The bottom in faux rock and the top in shingles. New window and door, a small fence to the left side to cover the breezeway and fix the top using the existing brackets.
Don't forget Tyler's new sign!!
So it maybe cold out but there is still a lot to do in designing. Never a dull moment.